UK recovering from mild recession
GDP fell by 0.3% but recovery fuels optimism.UK banks close over 140,000 SME accounts
New figures indicate a concerning trend in the banking sector.HMRC launches review on its enquiry powers
Critics demand simpler HMRC powers and penalty systems.HMRC estimates cost to implement MTD for ITSA
Sole traders and landlords face £350 setup costs.ICAEW advocates bold future action for economy
Professional body emphasises need for tax simplification.HMRC performance survey sparks scrutiny
Negative feedback expected due to summer helpline closures.Government finances show biggest surplus in 30 years
A £16.7bn surplus has been reported.Maximum council tax hikes imminent
Most English councils to raise council tax by 4.99%.Record long-term sickness could harm economy
UK’s workforce is 700,000 smaller than pre-Covid levels.UK enters recession amid economic challenges
GDP falls by 0.3%.